Been VERY busy here at Winter Crow Studio working on websites, summer camp t-shirt designs, and creating new cartoon cows, among many other great projects for great people. Looking forward to taking a bit of a breath at some point, but I'm happy to have work coming in that I enjoy doing. The big news around here is that we'll be having a baby in November, and I'll be trying my hand at stay-at-home Dad status, which I will thoroughly enjoy. But, needless to say, the more I can fit in before the Thanksgiving turkey is done, the better. And by turkey, I mean baby.
Above is an illustration (just finished) for the latest installment of Dale Irvin's humor column. This one asks the question, "Why waste all the food left over after room service when a veritable buffet can be had simply by perusing the hotel hallways?" Don't know if my stomach is steel enough for this idea, but it does make for a fun drawing. My favorite part is the "Do Not Disturb" sign. Whatever's going on in there, I'm sure they won't be happy to hear munching outside their door.
You can see previous illustrations for this column here and on my website.